Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Scout patches

I thought this was something common, but I have had numerous people say they wish they had thought of it. So here's my random pit stop for today:

Scouting for military families can be tricky.  On one hand, it can be a great way for a kid to get involved quickly.  For example, my son has all sisters so that boy interaction is important for him.  On the other hand, it can be tiresome trying to figure out where one troop/pack/den left off and another picks up.  I won't even touch on the getting used to new adults part.  Seriously don't get me started.  I have some stories for the books on that one.

So one thing I have discovered that makes my life easier...VELCRO.

The idea was given to me one day talking to another mom and looking at soldier's uniforms.  Just like my husband's unit patches change when we move, so do scout patches. So this mom would just use velcro, especially since her boys would hand down their shirts.   To explain:  The ones they have earned stay the same, so those go from place to place.  But in Arizona, we were in Sahuaro or Southern Arizona so the council patches (Girl Scout and Boy Scout) reflected that.  Now in Kansas, we are Coronado and NE Kansas/NW Missouri.  The pack/troop numbers were different also.

If you sew, then you understand why constantly sewing on and taking off patches can be tedious and not good for the material.  So since the council patches tend to be the same size I measured one and cut a big piece of velcro to attach to the shirt/sash/vest.  Then I do the same thing with the patch and attach / re-attach as needed.

Yes I have a little collections of numbers now (this is not all of them).  I am not quite to the point I don't need to buy any but I do just go through the stash and see what's there.